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  • SOIL4LIFE: “To promote sustainable use of the soil as a strategic, limited and non-renewable resource”.
  • LIFE BIOAs: “Removal of As from water using innovative BIO-adsorbents produced from byproducts of the agro-industrial sector”
  • LIFE POREM: “Poultry manure based bioactivator for better soil management through bioremediation”
  • LIFE SUBSED: “Sustainable substrates for agriculture from dredged remediated marine sediments: from ports to pots”
  • LIFE AGRISED: “Sustainable substrates for agriculture from dredged remediated marine sediments: from ports to pots”
  • LIFE BIOPAINT: “A new goal for the sustainable innovation in wood coatings”
  • LIFE AGRESTIC: “Reduction of Agricultural GReenhouse gases EmiSsions Through Innovative Cropping systems”
  • CarbOnFarm: “An application of both demonstrative and innovative practices aimed to promote the sustainable Soil Organic Matter (SOM) managements in the agro-ecosystems”.
  • LIFE ARIMEDA: “Ammonia emission reduction in Mediterranean agriculture with innovate slurry fertigation techniques”
  • NUTRIMAN: “NUTRIMAN – NUTRIent MANagement and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network”
  • LIFE TAN: “Eco friendly tanning cycle”
  • AMMONIA TRAPPING: “A completely innovative project that consists of developing a membrane with the capacity to trap molecules of ammonia gas (NH3) released into the atmosphere. Following this process, the resulting ammonia is transformed into ammonium salt, a fertiliser of great agricultural and economic value.”
  • LIFE prepAIR: “Po Regions Engaged to Policies of AIR”
  • LIFE IN BRIEF: “A sustainable management model for bio waste. A better use for renewable energy excess. A high-added value valoration route for digestate”
  • SOIL4LIFE: “To promote sustainable use of the soil as a strategic, limited and non-renewable resource”.
  • LIFE BIOAs: “Removal of As from water using innovative BIO-adsorbents produced from byproducts of the agro-industrial sector”
  • LIFE POREM: “Poultry manure based bioactivator for better soil management through bioremediation”
  • LIFE SUBSED: “Sustainable substrates for agriculture from dredged remediated marine sediments: from ports to pots”
  • LIFE AGRISED: “Sustainable substrates for agriculture from dredged remediated marine sediments: from ports to pots”
  • LIFE BIOPAINT: “A new goal for the sustainable innovation in wood coatings”
  • LIFE AGRESTIC: “Reduction of Agricultural GReenhouse gases EmiSsions Through Innovative Cropping systems”
  • CarbOnFarm: “An application of both demonstrative and innovative practices aimed to promote the sustainable Soil Organic Matter (SOM) managements in the agro-ecosystems”.
  • LIFE ARIMEDA: “Ammonia emission reduction in Mediterranean agriculture with innovate slurry fertigation techniques”
  • NUTRIMAN: “NUTRIMAN – NUTRIent MANagement and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network”
  • LIFE TAN: “Eco friendly tanning cycle”
  • AMMONIA TRAPPING: “A completely innovative project that consists of developing a membrane with the capacity to trap molecules of ammonia gas (NH3) released into the atmosphere. Following this process, the resulting ammonia is transformed into ammonium salt, a fertiliser of great agricultural and economic value.”
  • LIFE prepAIR: “Po Regions Engaged to Policies of AIR”
  • LIFE IN BRIEF: “A sustainable management model for bio waste. A better use for renewable energy excess. A high-added value valoration route for digestate”
  • SUSTAINadapt: “Strumenti e approcci per declinare l’integrazione fra sostenibilità e adattamento”
  • LIFE FREEDOM: “Solving treatment of wastewater sewage sludge with new HTL technology to produce hydrocarbons, asphalts and fertilizers”.