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EFSA European Food Safety Authority organized a "Webinar on the applications of animal by-products", as part of the regulatory innovations introduced by Regulation (EU) 2019/1381 ("Transparency Regulation"). During the event, which was held on Thursday 1 December 2022, the procedures concerning the implementation of the transparency regulation, the submission of applications, the confidentiality assessment and content sanitisation in place at EFSA were illustrated. It has been also provided practical guidance based on lessons-learnt and principles to consider when submitting applications on alternative methods for the processing of animal by-products (ABP) or derived products. The CHIMERA team participated in the webinar considering that chicken manure, the protagonist of the LIFE project, is a by-product of animal origin: the aim of the GA project n. LIFE15 ENV/IT/000631, is to obtain from its use, fertilizer and energy, thanks to a new technology and a small-sized plant to be installed at the farm.


On 30 November 2022, the CHIMERA team followed the event "European Poultry - How to champion a sustainable meat production", organized by AVEC, the European association of producers in the poultry sector which brings together all the national representatives. The event was held live online and, at the Press Club Brussels. At the heart of the event was the theme of sustainability and the role of the poultry meat sector in achieving the Green Deal and the objectives of the Farm to fork strategy, with thematic insights from the production of sustainable poultry to the steps that the sector has taken to improve both its environmental, economic, and social impact. Among the panelists who attended the event moderated by Andrea Bertaglio, Environmental journalist – European Livestock Voice, Brigitte Misonne, Head of Unit, Animal Products, DG AGRI, European Commission, Colm Markey, MEP, AGRI Committee, European Parliament, Els Bedert, Director, Product Policy at EUROCOMMERCE, Birthe Steenberg, Secretary General, AVEC. Find out more

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