Tre P Engineering meets the Free Association of Cremona’s Farmers (LIBERACR) to discuss about CHIMERA’s value chain.
The meeting was food for thought. Giuseppe Umberti, agronomist at LIBERACR, informs us that previous experiences in the field of waste to energy failed because of the dimension of the plants, too big and too expansive for small farmers. CHIMERA solution, tailored on small farmers’ needs, represents an interesting innovation.
Susanna Larocca, technical director of SO.G.IS, an oleo chemical bio refinery, underlines that farms are usually small sized and family run. Therefore, the investment for CHIMERA should be expected to return in 4 or 5 years at most, combining it with the incentives on the production of electricity. In her opinion, the positives of CHIEMRA are:
– it is easy to use as a boiler;
– the smells coming from the farm are reduced because the manure disposal is continuous;
– the ashes produced are considerably reduced.
Point of attention is the new EU Directive on fertilizers that will enter into force in 2018. Stay tuned!