CREA (Institution of Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies) is the main research institute in Italy in the field of agriculture and forestry. CREA research centers are involved in strategic scientific issues including agricultural engineering, economics and politics, climate and meteorology, genomics and livestock, land and land use. On April 5, 2022, the CHIMERA team organized a presentation meeting with Prof. Andrea Arzeni, CREA researcher and involved in the H2020 RUSTICA project, for which he deals with economic aspects and scenario analysis up to 2040. Different affinities between the two projects LIFE CHIMERA and RUSTICA “Demonstration of circular economy processes for the production of high quality organic fertilizers and implementation of value chains in rural communities”. Like CHIMERA, RUSTICA also aims to produce new fertilizers, in particular high quality organic fertilizers that meet the needs of modern and organic agriculture, but unlike CHIMERA which uses chicken manure, from the conversion of organic residues from the fruit and vegetable sector. RUSTICA involves together different stakeholders from different contexts with the aim of going beyond the simple recovery of nutrients and also includes the development of alternatives to mineral fertilizers that are economically viable and sustainable from an environmental point of view and agronomic value. Fertilizers are a topic, considering the prices that have exploded in recent months and the repercussions for farmers and agriculture on production costs.