The CHIMERA Pilot Plant has been successfully presented for the first time on May 27, 2022 as part of the Conference “Innovation and circular economy for the poultry sector. The LIFE CHIMERA European project to enhance chicken manure with a view to resilience and sustainability“, in Abbadia di Fiastra, in Italy, to celebrate #LIFEis30. During the conference, the reference scenario was presented with insights from industry experts, including FILENI, UNAITALIA (National Union of meat and egg agri-food chains, which represents over 90% of the Italian poultry sector), WPSA (World Poultry Science Association Scientific Association of Poultry – Italian Section), UNIVPM Polytechnic University of Marche, UNICAM University of Camerino, ISPRA Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research. Many interesting presentations have been performed during the event with the “Opening greetings” by the Marche Region Environment Assessor Stefano Aguzzi, and the “Closing greetings” by the Hon. Tullio Patassini, Member of the Chamber of Deputies VIII Commission (Environment, Territory and Public Works) and of the V Commission (Budget, Treasury and Planning). In addition, live from Noord-Brabant, Mark Renders, owner together with his brother Jack, of the Dutch Renders & Renders farm and partner of the European project, participated remotely in the event dedicated to the presentation of the Pilot Plant. During the event, a specific session has been dedicated to the CHIMERA Survey that was scheduled to contribute to the evaluation of the socio-economic impact of the technology developed by 3P Engineering, receiving feedback from the operators of the poultry market which in Italy has 15,300 companies, of which over 6,000 are professional, almost 160 million head in breeding (Source: UNAITALIA, June 2022). Find out more