Reference magazine for the agricultural world, the weekly “Terra e Vita” (no. 22 2021) dedicated an article to CHIMERA in the “Technique and Technology” section. Thanks to the networking activity with POREM (LIFE17 ENV / IT / 000333), the service highlighted the innovative potential of the two projects, both aimed at proposing sustainable solutions for the poultry market. Starting from the common goal of transforming chicken-manure from problem to opportunity, the article highlights the diversity of the approaches of the two strategies. In the case of LIFE CHIMERA the highly polluting and responsible waste of greenhouse gas emissions (chicken-manure) is managed with the transformation into fertilizer, thermal and electrical energy according to the principle of circular economy; in the case of LIFE POREM, the manure is treated in a specific way, such as to allow the restoration of the soil and avoid its degradation, essentially producing a bio-activator based on poultry manure for better management of the soil through bio rehabilitation, whereas it is estimated that 45% of European soils are potentially subject to degradation. Find out more