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March 15, 2022


New Entry in the EUAB External Users Advisory Board of CHIMERA, with Prof. Giuseppe Toscano of UNIVPM “Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy (07/C1 – Agricultural, forestry and biosystem engineering), in charge of the Biomass Laboratory and lecturer in agro-forestry engineering and the use of renewable resources and biomass for energy and industrial use.Two meeting-days have been organized with the CHIMERA team to illustrate the LIFE project in detail, and investigate the possibility of screening the substance produced by the pilot plant after the waste-to-energy of the chicken manure, by the Biomass Laboratory. Made up of researchers and technicians, the Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Marche carries out analytical services and research activities in the field of industrial biomass and bioenergy thanks to special systems, equipment and instruments supplied to the laboratory. Of particular interest for CHIMERA, the ash screening performed by the Biomass Laboratory with specific analyzes to check environmental aspects (e.g. presence of heavy metals) and physical-thermal behavior. During the two-day meeting, the CHIMERA team visited the Biomass Laboratory and then presented the CHIMERA project and pilot plant being assembled at 3P Engineering to Prof. Toscano, with insights into the technology underlying the chicken manure waste-to-energy process. Find out more

Michele Marcantoni, CHIMERA Project Manager, con il Prof. Giuseppe Toscano, responsabile del Laboratorio Biomasse UNIVPM

Rosalino Usci, CHIMERA Disseminationa & Networking Manager e Michele Marcantoni, con il Prof. Toscano presentano l’impianto CHIMERA al Prof. Giuseppe Toscano, nuovo membro EUAB di CHIMERA