On February 2, 2022, Monitor Dr. Carlo Ponzio appointed by the European Commission to check and follow the various phases of the development of the LIFE CHIMERA project, was in 3P Engineering for the annual visit. The day’s program was divided into several sections in order to verify all the activities in progress, with a focus on the progress of the Pilot Plant during the morning. The meeting began with a session dedicated to the “Technical Project Status” analyzing the engineering aspects related to the implementation and to the single components functionality.
After viewing the final layout of the pilot plant and having studied its operation in depth, the planning for the next few months was also discussed with the Monitor and CHIMERA Team. The meeting continued with the analysis of all the other categories of activities, relating to the monitoring of the socio-economic impact of the project, and the dissemination activities, up to the general management of CHIMERA, also in view of the Deliverables and Milestones to complete the LIFE project. During the Monitor’s visit, it was also possible to view the Pilot Plant being assembled before the video-meeting with the partner of the CHIMERA project, Renders & Renders, the poultry farm where the pilot plant will be installed, to start in Netherlands the tests which will continue in the After-Life period, after the end of the European project (31/12/2022).