CHIMERA’s networking activity continues with other LIFE projects, such as Life BIOAs (LIFE19 ENV / IT / 000512), a project co-financed under the LIFE + program and aims to demonstrate the environmental and economic feasibility of a process for the production of an innovative bio-adsorbent and, simultaneously, its use for the purification of drinking water from arsenic. The project will highlight the benefits related to environmental impacts (concerning water purification) and the economic advantages regarding to a lower use of expensive raw materials and less energy consumption compared to the adsorbents currently produced). Among the main objectives of the project, to build three prototypes and carried out experimental campaigns out for the production of bio adsorbents and for the decontamination of the waters. Eco Recycling srl is the leader of the project while the other project partners are as follows: ALFO ENERGIA unipersonale srl, HTR center (High Tech Recycling, Department of Chemistry of the University “La Sapienza” of Rome), TALETE SpA, Technosind Srl, Universidade de Évora. Find out more