30° anniversary for the European LIFE program, the EU financing instrument for the environment and climate action that celebrates #LIFEis30 on 21st May. Introduced by the European Union in 1992, the LIFE program so far has co-financed more than 5 500 projects is the main financial instrument dedicated to environmental protection and to climate actions. LIFE is an acronym deriving from the French “L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement” and for thirty years it has contributed to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation through co-financing of projects, such as LIFE CHIMERA. The goal is to support actions that aim to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of effective solutions to different and complex environmental and climate problems. Many initiatives have been organized in Europe to celebrate the anniversary. LIFE CHIMERA has chosen to celebrate #LIFEis30 with the organization of the Presentation Conference “Innovation and circular economy for poultry sector. The LIFE CHIMERA European project to enhance poultry manure with a view to resilience and sustainability”, on May 27th 2022 at the Abbadia di Fiastra, in Italy. On the occasion of the event, the Pilot Plant of the European LIFE CHIMERA project has been shown for the first time, with a dedicated video too.