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May 16, 2021


LIFE CHIMERA (GA n.LIFE15 ENV / IT / 000631) and POREM (Project LIFE17 ENV / IT / 000333) have jointly organized a networking event for an in-depth presentation of the two LIFE projects, aimed at comparing mutual approaches and identifying of possible common strategies. The video meeting event on May 19, 2021, allowed the two teams, an open discussion on complementary issues: both projects focus on chicken manure, but in the case of CHIMERA, the highly polluting and responsible waste of greenhouse gas emissions (chicken manure) is managed with the transformation into fertilizer and thermal and electrical energy according to the principle of circular economy. In the POREM project the manure is treated in a specific way, such as to allow the restoration of the soil and avoid its degradation, essentially producing a bio-activator based on poultry manure for better soil management through bio remediation, considering that it is estimated that 45% of European soils are potentially subject to degradation. During the Networking event, the methodologies and results obtained to date respectively by the two projects were also shared, in view of an after-LIFE strategy. Find out more